Do it to them, before they do it to you

Do it to them, before they do it to you

Do it to them, before they do it to you 2736 1824 Business Design Studio

How to speed up the renewal of a company? How can you identify your weaknesses and use them to develop strengths? How do you get people thinking new? And how do you work with the necessary renewal in a fun-filled way, without losing the seriousness of the situation?

These were the basic questions that we worked on to develop the concept “Business Counter Strike”. It contains equal parts video game strategy, SWOT and burning platform. It is a development process with the steps:

  • External analysis – Competitors, international trends and technological changes
  • Vandalise – Idea generation around weaknesses in own model
  • All you base – Develop “business canvas” for the most unpleasant ideas
  • Strike Back – Change chair again, back to your own position and plan a “Counter Strike”
  • Bird Phoenix – Develop the concepts to get a target image for development areas

Working through these parts, with your management team, gives you an outside perspective that makes it easier to focus and implement the most prioritized measures so that you continue to be relevant in the market. With the support of Business Design Studio, you get sparring, challenge and help with new thinking.

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